Lucasle: Sunny

Lucasle is a Stockholm-based electronic artist who works mainly with guitar looping and breakbeats to make a remarkably unique and polished sound (especially given the DIY nature of his projects). On his previous collection (charmingly titled “Tempoarary Collection, and downloadable on his bandcamp), Lucasle’s talent handling samples in tandem with musical elements was made evident (tracks like Banos and Hardy still make their way into my ears a year or more after I first found them), and his newer work shows a steady stream of improvement.

“Sunny” is a glitch spin cycle, a whirling dervish of a track which is in constant rhythmic flux. It begins with a slow crescendo of gentle synth pads which build into a shuddering and shimmering apex of beats – first hi-hats, then bass beats, then full-on breakbeats which don’t quite sound like anything else out there (Massive Attack? The Range?). Incomprehensible vocals bring the intensity of the track back down as the percussive elements fade in and out – Lucasle has a phenomenal grasp of both the “loud/quiet/loud” of 90s rock and the gradualism characteristic of Aphex Twin or whatever electronic ambient artist you want to compare him to. I’ll still stand here and argue that his music resists comparison, though.

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